I am taking a break from trying to get everyone and I mean everyone that was born before 1980 off of Face Book. This pursuit is not aimed at hurting Face Book in anyway, I am just trying to help people become adults,that actually speak in person to their friends instead of posting "All" of their thoughts on a web page that even the most amateur hacker can access. As much fun as it is to crack on all the "Huge Douche's" that feel it is imperative to let the rest of us know they are a "Huge Douche" by posting on Face Book, I feel I must move on to another equally important subject, religion.
It is not my intention to offend religious people but I will assume that because most of them are a bunch of uptight assholes I more than likely will, for those of you that are not a bunch of uptight assholes, please read on.
One of the main criteria for most religions seems to be getting everyone to believe in the same things that they do, why is this the case? Well it seems that these folks need support from all of us, to keep them believing in their God of choice. They have a sinister way of doing this,by telling us they are concerned about our souls and they would really hate to see us end up in Hell. Well I for one am not concerned, if I don't believe in God why would I believe in Hell? I know your asking yourself, how can I not believe in God , he's right there in the bible,that makes it a fact! Well this is were we come to the fork in the road, I do not believe that the bible, in any of it's forms is the word of God, it's the word of man. Now just to explain to you "uptight assholes" so you don't run off and blow up an abortion clinic or beat a Gay person to death or any of the other awesome things you do in the name of God, this is just my opinion. There are several reasons that I don't believe in the bible but the number one reason is, it's just another old book with information on how we should lead our lives. This of course is not a bad thing and if it helps keep people from killing others or hating people for who they are or even persecuting them for being different, I say go bible. But unfortunately that is not the case, however most true believers think it makes them better than everyone and they need to find ways to eliminate anyone who does not believe in the same things they do.Wow, when I actually put this down on paper I am seeing some interesting connections. If you have not bailed out to start making a Molotov Cocktail to throw at an abortion clinic, please read on.
There seems to be no difference between believing in God or Allah or Mohammad at all ,it still drives people into acts of incredible stupidity based on their beliefs. Is it any different blowing up an abortion clinic in the name of God than it is to fly a plane into a building in the name of Allah. No its the same thing, your just another asshole that is doing a horrible thing in the name of a God, that if there were one would strike you down for being such an asshole. Is this what you are after,being a Terrorist for God? I hope not because we all ready have plenty of asshole's doing horrible things in the name of their God. So maybe the next time someone asks if you believe in God, your response will be, no, I just believe in being a decent person to everyone not just folks that fit my narrow little view of life. And if it is not you are probably on your way to the hardware store to stock up on fertilizer, so you can voice your belief in God by eliminating those that don't share your views.
I would love to hear from all of you about this subject, just not on a Face Book post or with a knock on my door at seven in the morning , with you and three of your fellow sheep shoving pamphlet's in my face and telling me why your way is the only way! Late Un-ruly.
This is a vent blog, and I will use it to help keep myself sane. There will be positive posts as well as negative but they will hopefully be amusing and at least somewhat insightful. Please enjoy if you can.
Things that make you feel good
Hunters moon
About Me
- Unruly
- Just an average person who is sick of all the Assholes we are forced to deal with. I can't get away from them , they are on T.V. on the Radio and in the newspaper. It does'nt matter whre you go we are surrounded. Please join me and we will see if we can clean up some of these assholes.